I. Particulars of the registered Promoter

Application No. : RAJ-RERA-APP-SP-2022-176 (12/1/2022)
Name of the Promoter Ashiana Housing Limited Type of Promoter Firm/Company/Associates Etc
No. of Projects associated with the Existing Promoter Profile 42 Name of the Projects associated with the Existing Promoter Profile Ashiana Ekansh Phase II, Ashiana Umang Phase VI, Ashiana Dwarka Phase III, SURBHI PHASE V, Ashiana Amantran Phase III, Ashiana Umang Phase III, Ashiana Surbhi Phase IV, Ashiana Tarang Phase I, Ashiana Dwarka Phase II, Ashiana Nirmay Ph. I, Ashiana Tarang Plaza, Ashiana Dwarka EWS/ LIG, Ashiana Umang Phase V and Ashi, Ashiana Ekansh Phase I, Ashiana Tarang Phase III, Ashiana Advik Phase-II, Ashiana Nitara Phase 1 and 1A, Ashiana Advik Phase-I, Ashiana Nirmay Phase II, ONE44 Phase 1 and 1A, Gomti Apartments, Dwarka Phase V, ASHIANA TARANG PHASE VI, Kaveri Apartments, Ashiana Nirmay Phase III, Ashiana Daksh Phase-II , Ashiana Tarang Phase II, Ashiana Tarang Phase IV A, Ashiana Ekansh Phase IV, Narmada Apartments, Ashiana Nitara Phase 2, Ashiana Ekansh Phase III, Ashiana Daksh Phase I and EWS/, Ashiana Amantran Phase II, Ashiana Dwarka Phase-IV, Ashiana Daksh Phase-III, Ashiana Amantran Phase I, Ashiana Tarang Phase IV B, Ashiana Nirmay Phase IV, ASHIANA TARANG PHASE-V, Ashiana Umang Phase IV, ONE44 Phase 2

II. Purpose of Change/Modification/Updation in the registered Promoter Profile?

Change/Modification/Updation in existing details of Promoter (not amounting to change of promoter)
Payment Details
Payment Amount Payment Date Download Receipt
₹ 5,000.00 12/1/2022 Generate Payment Slip

Contact Person Details

Contact Person Name MobileNo Email
Samiksha Bansal 9928124277
Comments Details
PARA Created BY Comments Date Status Document
2 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Verify the fee deposited. 12/2/2022 PENDING WITH DA/ ACCOUNTS/ LEGAL OFFICER/ LAW OFFICER
3 Madan Pareek (16059) Rs. 5000/- deposited by Rera Trans. No. 537 dated 01.12.2022 for modification of promoter profile. 12/2/2022 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
4 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Clarify why have you deleted the details of Mr. Nikhil Verma as one of the Authorized Signatory and also why the details of Company Secretary and CFO not mentioned in the promoter profile. Clarify on or before 12.12.2022 12/5/2022 APPLICATION OBJECTED
5 Promoter Name of Mr Hemant Kaul has been deleted and other documents section of MCA has been updated in other documents tab. 2. Also, Mr Nikhil Verma has left the company therefore, his name has also been deleted. 3. The details of CS and CFO are required in the details of MCA and same does not form part of promoters of the company, so their details are not updated herein. 12/6/2022 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
6 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Promoter has applied for the updation of Director/Authorized Signatory details w.r.t. the uploaded latest MCA data and reply at para 5/N, and has also uploaded the KCY details accordingly. Therefore, application is submitted for kind perusal and approval, please. 12/13/2022 PENDING WITH JOINT REGISTRAR
7 Arpit Sancheti (10683) Submitted for kind perusal and approval. 12/13/2022 PENDING WITH REGISTRAR
8 Ramesh Sharma (9009) Submitted for perusal and approval,sir. 12/15/2022 PENDING WITH CHAIRMAN

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