I. Particulars of the registered Promoter

Application No. : RAJ-RERA-APP-SP-2021-49 (12/18/2021)
Name of the Promoter Ashiana Housing Limited Type of Promoter Firm/Company/Associates Etc
No. of Projects associated with the Existing Promoter Profile 42 Name of the Projects associated with the Existing Promoter Profile Ashiana Ekansh Phase II, Ashiana Umang Phase VI, Ashiana Dwarka Phase III, SURBHI PHASE V, Ashiana Amantran Phase III, Ashiana Umang Phase III, Ashiana Surbhi Phase IV, Ashiana Tarang Phase I, Ashiana Dwarka Phase II, Ashiana Nirmay Ph. I, Ashiana Tarang Plaza, Ashiana Dwarka EWS/ LIG, Ashiana Umang Phase V and Ashi, Ashiana Ekansh Phase I, Ashiana Tarang Phase III, Ashiana Advik Phase-II, Ashiana Nitara Phase 1 and 1A, Ashiana Advik Phase-I, Ashiana Nirmay Phase II, ONE44 Phase 1 and 1A, Gomti Apartments, Dwarka Phase V, ASHIANA TARANG PHASE VI, Kaveri Apartments, Ashiana Nirmay Phase III, Ashiana Daksh Phase-II , Ashiana Tarang Phase II, Ashiana Tarang Phase IV A, Ashiana Ekansh Phase IV, Narmada Apartments, Ashiana Nitara Phase 2, Ashiana Ekansh Phase III, Ashiana Daksh Phase I and EWS/, Ashiana Amantran Phase II, Ashiana Dwarka Phase-IV, Ashiana Daksh Phase-III, Ashiana Amantran Phase I, Ashiana Tarang Phase IV B, Ashiana Nirmay Phase IV, ASHIANA TARANG PHASE-V, Ashiana Umang Phase IV, ONE44 Phase 2

II. Purpose of Change/Modification/Updation in the registered Promoter Profile?

Change/Modification/Updation in existing details of Promoter (not amounting to change of promoter)
Payment Details
Payment Amount Payment Date Download Receipt
₹ 5,000.00 12/18/2021 Generate Payment Slip
Comments Details
PARA Created BY Comments Date Status Document
2 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Verify the fee deposited. 12/18/2021 PENDING WITH PENDING WITH DA/ ACCOUNTS/ LEGAL OFFICER/ LAW OFFICER
3 Madan Pareek (16059) Rs. 5000/- deposited by RERA Transaction No. 17981 dated 18.12.2021 12/20/2021 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
4 Rishabh Sharma (10665) In the said case promoter has applied for the updation of the details of "Organization Contact Person" along with the list of "Director/Partner/Authorized Signatory Details". However, the promoter has also uploaded the KYC documents of the directors in the said application but there are few persons such as the Manager, Legal officer & Authorized Signatory whose KYC documents are not uploaded. Therefore, application is hereby submitted for kind perusal and decision on approving the application without uploading the KYC documents of the remaining persons or else informing the promoter to upload these documents. 12/21/2021 PENDING WITH JOINT REGISTRAR
5 Arpit Sancheti (10683) Kindly peruse para 4/N, the said application may be approved and promoter may be informed to also get the KYC document uploaded of the other Authorized Signatory's. 12/22/2021 PENDING WITH REGISTRAR
6 Ramesh Sharma (9009) Submitted for perusal and approval, Sir. 12/22/2021 PENDING WITH CHAIRMAN
7 NIHAL CHAND GOEL (1) 1. Doesn't the promoter need to upload a Board Resolution or some other document to prove authorization in favour of its three officers added? 2. Shouldn't the designation of the three persons added be shown as authorized person instead of manager, etc.? 12/23/2021 PENDING WITH REGISTRAR
8 Ramesh Sharma (9009) Comply with the directions of Hon'ble Chairman. 12/23/2021 PENDING WITH JOINT REGISTRAR
9 Arpit Sancheti (10683) Comply as directed. 12/24/2021 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
10 Rishabh Sharma (10665) 1. Upload a Board Resolution or some other document to prove authorization in favor of its three officers added; 2. Also the designation of the three persons added to be shown as an authorized person instead of manager, etc. 1/12/2022 APPLICATION OBJECTED
11 Promoter The authorization letter wrt the all three authorities have been uploaded herewith. 4/25/2022 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
12 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Update the designation of 3 persons added as Authorized signatory or "Manager etc/Authorized signatory" and resubmit the application on or before 29.04.2022. 4/26/2022 APPLICATION OBJECTED
13 Promoter Details updated as per query raised 4/26/2022 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
14 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Details of Ms. Samiksha Bansal were added twice in the "Director/Partner/Authorized Signatory Details (Changes)" tab of the application. Check and resubmit on or before 05.05.2022 4/28/2022 APPLICATION OBJECTED
15 Promoter As the tick in the authorised signatory could not be made by editing the entry of Samiksha Bansal was deleted and new added but due to some technical error both the entries are appearing. 5/4/2022 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
16 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Kindly check the details of "Director/Partner/Authorized Signatory Details (Changes)" tab and the reply of the promoter at para 15/N, due to some technical error name of Ms. Samiksha Bansal is shown twice in the application. Therefore, kindly check and resolve the issue. 5/4/2022 PENDING WITH JOINT DIRECTOR (I.T)
17 Mukesh Arora (11292) Resolved 5/5/2022 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
18 Rishabh Sharma (10665) In reference to para 7/N, promoter has added the Board Resolution in favor of all the three officers added in the promoter profile in the SUpporting Document tab on their individual details. Further promoter has updated the designation of all the 3 officers as Manager, etc. /Authorized Signatory. Therefore, application is now hereby again submitted for kind perusal and approval for the updation of promoter profile. 5/6/2022 PENDING WITH JOINT REGISTRAR
19 Arpit Sancheti (10683) Application has now been rectified, therefore, Submitted for kind perusal and may be considered for approval. 5/6/2022 PENDING WITH REGISTRAR
20 Ramesh Sharma (9009) Submitted for perusal and approval,sir. 5/6/2022 PENDING WITH CHAIRMAN

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