Quarterly Progress Report Summary Details October to December, 2021

Quarterly Progress Report Summary Details October to December, 2021

I. Particulars of the Project
Application No. : RAJ-RERA-APP-QPR-2022-10618 (21/01/2022)
Name of the Registered project Vatika Infotech City for Part- A Registration No. of the Project RAJ/P/2019/884
Name of the Promoter VATIKA LIMITED Name of other Promoter(s) Magnet Developers private limited, Vatika Jaipur Sez Developers Private limited , NAKSHATRA BUILDCON PRIVATE LIMITED, Jeevan Lal, SUMAN DEVI
Project Address Khasra No./ Plot No.77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 85, 86, 87, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 106,119, 120, 121, 122, 20, 21, 101/1064, 103, 150/1066, 145/1065, 54, 139, 143, 144, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 123, 55,61, 145, 146, 129, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 88, 89, 101, 102, 104, 105, 127, 173, 174/1256, 395,396,586/397,397, 187, 188, 189, 28/2, 532, 542, 543/1, 545, 532/1166, 546, 500/1239, 548/1, 548/2, 543, 501/1286, 540, 541, 538, 544, 548, 549, 1383/534, 533,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19/1 , Village- Thikaria,Prithvisinghpura,Sanjharia,Bagrukhurd,Balmukundpura , Sanganer , Jaipur - 302026 (Rajasthan)
Type of Project Plotted Development Number of Sanctioned Apartments/Plots 1161
Total Area of Project(In sq. meters) 240,732.88 Phase Area (In sq. meters) 240,732.88
Registration certificate is valid upto 31-12-2021 Registration extended upto 31-12-2024
II. Number and type of Plots booked/ allotted/ sold (( October to December, 2021 ))
Plot Area Plots Total number of sanctioned plots Number of Plots booked/ sold/ allotted by the end of last quarter Cumulative Number of Plots booked/ sold/ allotted by the end of current quarter
331.68 City Front, East Avenue, 1st Street, 1 & 2 2 0
224.25 City Front, East Avenue, 1st Street, 3 To 12, 14 To 15 12 0
224.25 City Front, East Avenue, 3rd Street, 3 To 12, 14 To 32, 34 To 37,39 34 0
339.25 City Front, East Avenue, 1st Street, 16 & 17 2 0
221.39 City Front, East Avenue, 2nd Street, 1 & 2 2 0
221.39 City Front, East Avenue, 5th Street, 56 1 0
150.48 City Front, East Avenue, 2nd Street, 3 To 12, 14 To 20, 22 18 0
150.48 City Front, East Avenue, 4th Street, 3 To 12, 14 To 33 30 0
150.48 City Front, East Avenue, 5th Street, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48,50, 52, 54, 57, 59, 61 13 0
150.48 Suraksha Enclave, West Avenue,1st Street, 3 To 12, 14 To 17 14 5
150.48 Suraksha Enclave, West Avenue,2nd Street, 3 To 10 8 0
150.48 Suraksha Enclave, West Avenue,3rd Street, 3 To 6, 8,10 6 1
150.48 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue, 3 to 8 6 6
150.48 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue 10,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37 13 5
150.48 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 3 to 11 9 8
150.48 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue 15,17,19,21 4 3
225.72 City Front, East Avenue, 2nd Street - 21,24 2 0
225.72 City Front, East Avenue, 5th Street - 34, 63 2 0
117.52 City Front, East Avenue, 2nd Street - 23,25 2 0
288.90 City Front, East Avenue, 3rd Street - 1,2 2 0
224.04 City Front, East Avenue, 3rd Street - 33 1 0
293.25 City Front, East Avenue, 3rd Street - 38 1 0
202.59 City Front, East Avenue, 4th Street - 1,2 2 0
206.91 City Front, East Avenue, 4th Street, 34 1 0
206.91 Suraksha Enclave, West Avenue,1st Street 18,19 2 2
206.91 Suraksha Enclave, West Avenue,2nd Street 11,12 2 0
206.91 Suraksha Enclave, West Avenue,3rd Street 1,7,12 3 3
206.91 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue 12 1 1
206.91 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue 23 1 1
202.87 City Front, East Avenue, 4th Street - 35 1 0
165.12 City Front, East Avenue, 5th Street, 60 1 0
112.98 City Front, East Avenue, 5th Street - 62,64,66,68,70,72,74,76,78,80 10 0
169.47 City Front, East Avenue, 5th Street, 82 1 0
202.56 Suraksha Enclave, West Avenue,1st Street - 1,2 2 2
202.56 Suraksha Enclave, West Avenue,2nd Street - 1,2 2 2
202.56 Suraksha Enclave, West Avenue,3rd Street, 2 1 1
202.56 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue, 2 1 1
202.56 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 1 1 1
214.98 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue, 1,9 2 2
221.37 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue, 39 1 1
225.84 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue, 14,16 2 2
180.70 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,1st Street, 1 1 1
113.75 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,1st Street - 2 to 5 4 4
113.75 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,2nd Street, 3 to 12, 14 to 18, 20,22,24,26,,28,30 21 12
113.75 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,3rd Street - 4,6,8,10 4 3
174.40 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,2nd Street, 1,2,32 3 3
120.77 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,5th Street- 1,2 2 2
120.77 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,6th Street- 1,2 2 2
120.77 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,9th Street- 1,2 2 2
84.32 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,5th Street- 3 to 12, 14 to 17 14 9
84.32 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,6th Street- 3 to 10 8 4
84.32 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,8th Street - 3 to 12, 14 to 17 14 9
84.32 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,9th Street - 3 to 12, 14 to 17 14 10
125.12 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,5th Street -18,19 2 1
125.12 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,6th Street - 11,12 2 1
125.12 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,8th Street - 1,2 2 2
125.12 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,8th Street, 18,19 2 0
125.12 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,9th Street 18,19 2 2
115.33 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,1st Street - 1,2,24 3 3
115.33 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,2nd Street -1,2,25 3 3
115.33 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,3rd Street -1,2,24 3 3
115.33 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,4th Street - 1,2,25 3 2
115.33 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,5th Street - 1,2,24 3 3
115.33 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,6th Street - 1,2,25 3 3
115.33 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,7th Street - 1,2,24 3 3
115.33 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,8th Street -1,2,25 3 2
81.60 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,1st Street - 3 to 12, 14 to 22 19 18
81.60 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,2nd Street - 3 to 12, 14 to 23 20 15
81.60 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,3rd Street- 3 to 12, 14 to 23 20 9
81.60 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,4th Street - 3 to 12, 14 to 23 20 7
81.60 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,5th Street -3 to 12, 14 to 23 20 8
81.60 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,6th Street - 3 to 12, 14 to 23 20 5
81.60 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,7th Street -3 to 12, 14 to 23 20 2
81.60 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,8th Street - 3 to 12, 14 to 23 20 0
160.84 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,1st Street, 23 1 0
119.68 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,2nd Street, 24 1 0
119.68 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,3rd Street, 25 1 0
119.68 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,4th Street, 24 1 0
119.68 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,5th Street, 25 1 0
119.68 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,6th Street, 24 1 0
119.68 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,7th Street, 25 1 0
119.68 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,8th Street, 24 1 0
122.40 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,2nd Street, 26 1 0
122.40 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,3rd Street, 27 1 1
122.40 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,4th Street, 26 1 0
122.40 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,5th Street, 27 1 0
122.40 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,6th Street, 26 1 0
122.40 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,7th Street, 27 1 0
122.40 Suraksha Enclave, North Link Avenue,8th Street, 26 1 0
224.10 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue - 2,12 2 2
152.63 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 14 1 1
156.98 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 16 1 1
174.97 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 1st Street, 1 1 0
135.33 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 1st Street -2,3 2 0
135.33 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 2nd Street - 3 to 12, 14 to 37 34 27
135.33 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 3rd Street - 5 to 12, 14 to 37 32 12
135.33 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 4th Street, 5,7,9,11,14 to 38,40,42,44 32 15
193.96 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 2nd Street, 1,38,39 3 3
193.96 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 3rd Street, 38,39 2 0
193.96 Suraksha Enclave, South Avenue, 4th Street - 39,46 2 0
419.23 City Boulevard, 20 to 28 9 5
394.45 City Boulevard, 29 1 0
420.00 Central Park, North Avenue B, 132 to 141 10 0
260.07 Westend Corridor, 33A,35,37,39,41 5 0
191.62 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 1st Street, 1,2 2 0
139.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 1st Street, 3 to 12,14,15 12 0
107.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 2nd Street, 1,2,14,15 4 0
107.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 3rd Street, 1,2,14,15 4 0
107.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 4th Street, 1,2,14,15 4 0
107.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 5th Street, 1,2,14,15 4 0
107.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 6th Street, 1,2,17,18 4 0
107.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 7th Street, 1,2,19,20 4 0
107.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 8th Street, 1,2,21,22 4 0
107.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 9th Street, 1,2,22,23 4 0
107.36 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 10th Street, 1,2,22,23 4 0
89.06 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 2nd Street, 3 to 12 10 0
89.06 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 3rd Street, 3 to 12 10 0
89.06 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 4th Street, 3 to 12 10 0
89.06 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 5th Street, 3 to 12 10 0
89.06 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 6th Street, 3 to 12, 14 to 16 13 0
89.06 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 7th Street, 3 to 12, 14 to 18 15 0
89.06 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 8th Street, 3 to 12, 14 to 20 17 0
89.06 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 9th Street - 3 to 12, 14 to 21 18 0
89.06 Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 10th Street, 3 to 12,14 to 21 18 0
72.00 LIG - Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 13th Street, 195 to 213 19 0
72.00 LIG - Valley Park, Westend Avenue D, 214 to 233 20 0
9.00 Shops - City Boulevard, Shop No. 301 - 366, 501 to 692 258 0
9.00 Shops - City Boulevard, West Avenue, Shop No. 743 to 746, 748 to 777,779 to 781 37 2
174.40 Suraksha Enclave, North Avenue,3rd Street, 2 1 1
III. Status of the Project Construction/Development
Part 1: Architectural Progress as per Form R1 issued as at the end of current Quarter ( October to December, 2021 )


Internal and External Development Works for the entire registered Phase/Project

S.No. Common areas and Facilities/Amenities Proposed Yes/No Percentage of work done Details if any
By the end of Last Quarter By the end of Current Quarter
1 Internal Roads & Footpaths 8 9
2 Water Supply 6 6
3 Sewerage (chamber, lines, Septic Tank STP) 6 6
4 Storm Water Drainss 4 4
5 Landscaping & Tree Planting 4 4
6 Street Lighting 2 2
7 Community Building 0 0
8 Treatment and disposal of sewage and sullage water 0 0
9 Solid Waste management & Disposal 0 0
10 Water conservation, Rain water harvesting 0 0
11 Energy management 0 0
12 Fire protection and fire safety requirements 0 0
13 Electrical meter room, sub-station, receiving station 3 3
Form R1: Date of issue
Part 2: Engineering Progress as per Form R2 issued as at the end of current Quarter ( October to December, 2021 )


Internal and External Development Works for the entire registered Phase/Project

S.No. Particulars By the end of Last Quarter By the end of Current Quarter
1 Total Estimated cost of the Internal and External Development Works including amenities and Facilities 240,000,000.00 240,000,000.00
2 Cost incurred against the estimated cost 95,486,616.00 100,694,496.00
3 Work done in Percentage (as Percentage of the estimated Cost) % 40.00 42.00
4 Balanced Cost to be Incurred (Based on Estimated Cost) 144,513,384.00 139,305,504.00
5 Cost Incurred on Additional/Extra Items not included in the Estimated Cost 0.00 0.00
Form R2: Date of issue
Part 3: Financial Progress as per Form R3 issued as at the end of current Quarter ( October to December, 2021 )
Incurred Amount
S.No.. Particulars Estimated Amount
(as per online details)
By the end of Last Quarter By the end of Current Quarter
1 A. Land Cost 213,337,000.00 213,337,000.00 213,337,000.00
B. Development Cost/Cost of Construction 1,016,000,000.00 104,602,301.00 110,533,499.00
C. Total project cost(A+B)
In Last Quarter In Current Quarter
2S.No. Percentage of total cost incurred on land %
3 Percentage of total cost incurred on development %
4 Percentage Completion of construction work (as per Project Engineer's Certificate, R-2) %
5 Percentage of the Cost incurred on Land Cost to the Total Estimated Cost %
6 Percentage of the Cost incurred on Construction Cost to the Total Estimated Cost %
7 Amount Which can be withdrawn from the separate Account 317,939,301.00 323,870,499.00
8 Less: Amount withdrawn till date of this certificate as per books of accounts and Bank Statements 274,606,000.00 307,903,000.00
9 Net Amount Which can be withdrawn from the Separate bank account under this certificate 43,333,301.00 15,967,498.00
Form R3: Date of issue
Certificate showing no linen or charge on the RERA retention Account :
Part 4: Stage wise Time Schedule of completion or Milestones of Construction (as provided in the allotment letter / Agreement for Sale as per the requirements of Section 11(3)(b) of the RERA Act)
No Record Added
V. Project Common Area Details- Development Work For Whole Project
S. No. Common Area And Facilities, Amenities Proposed Percentage Of Completion (%) Drawings uploaded in online Project details or not If no, Planned date of uploading of these drawings
1 Water Supply 0 31/03/2022
2 Rain Water Harvesting/ Recharging 0 31/03/2022
3 Sanitation(Storm Water Drainage, Sewerage, STP, Solid Water Disposal etc) 0 31/03/2022
4 Electrification(Transformer, Solar Energy etc) 0
5 Fire Fighting Provision 0
6 Others 0
VI. Status of Approvals
A Noc's/Permission Present Status




B. Revision of Building Plans
1 Date of approval of latest Building Plans already uploaded on RERA web portal 14/12/2018
2 Has there been any further Modification,Amendment or Revision, if any, issued by the competent authority with regard to the building plans already uploaded?
VII. Compliances Under the Act
Insurance for the Project
Under section 16 of the RERA Act, it is mandatory for the promoter to obtain insurance in respect of (i) title of the land and building as a part of the Real Estate Project and (ii) construction of the Real Estate Project.
Has the insurance been obtained?
• Planned date of Insurance 31/03/2022

VIII. Details of Real Estate Agents (if any) engaged for the Project

Has any real estate agents been engaged for the Project?     

IX. Miscellaneous

1. Is there any change in promoter profile which is not yet updated in online promoter profile?
2. Is there any change in project details which is not yet updated in online project profile?
3. Has the Completion Certificate been obtained?
If the project not completed, is the project is likely to get completed within the estimated/extended finish date given in online project details?
4. Has the Occupancy Certificate also been obtained?
I/ we solemnly affirm, declare and undertake that all the details started above are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed there from. I am executing this undertaking to attest to the truth of all the foregoing and to apprise the RERA Authority of such facts as mentioned as well as for whatever other legal purposes this undertaking amy serve.

Payment Details
Comments Details
PARA Created BY Comments Date Status Document
1 Law Officer (27634) Accepted, subject to verification. 7/8/2023 Application Approved

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