Application for Extension of Registration

Project Details
Extension Application No. : RAJ-RERA-APP-PE-2022-972 (11/24/2022)
Project Name Vatika Infotech City for Part- A Promoter Name VATIKA LIMITED
Project Registration No. RAJ/P/2019/884 Project Type Plotted
Estimated Finish Date (in online form) 31-12-2021 Project Registration Valid till
(as per registration certificate)
12/31/2021 View
No Previous Extension Availed In The Past
No Records Found.
Project Extension Details
Extension being Sought Upto 12/31/2023
Duration of extension being sought 12 Months 0 Days
Reason For Extension
Other than force majeure
Explanatory Note regarding the stage of development works in the project and reasons for not completing the development works by the estimated finish date
Explanatory Note is Uploaded.
Have you already availed extension of one year on grounds other than force majeure/Corona Pandemic
Latest Quarterly Progress Report
Form R2
Estimated Construction Cost (Table A+B) ₹ 24,00,00,000.00
Cost Incurred on Construction (Table A+B) ₹ 14,70,05,832.00
Form R3
Total Estimated Land Cost ₹ 21,33,37,000.00
Total Cost Incurred on Land ₹ 21,33,37,000.00
Total Estimated Development Cost ₹ 24,00,00,000.00
Total Cost Incurred on Development ₹ 27,20,74,842.00
Other Documents
Declaration cum Undertaking for Extension of Registration
I/ we do hereby solemnly declare and undertake:
That the project shall be completed by the extended project finish date, i.e.,12/31/2023 and that the desired extension (if granted) of registration of the project shall not affect/ damage the rights and interests of the allottee(s) under the agreement for sale nor will it exonerate the promoter from his obligations to the allottee(s) under the Real Estate (Regulations and Development) Act, 2016 and rules & regulations made thereunder. If, however due to this extension, any damages or losses are suffered by any allottee(s), any rights and interests of any of the allottee(s) are affected or any dispute arises, promoter of the project shall be solely responsible and liable to compensate the same and to resolve the dispute and shall also be liable for all legal and financial consequence of delay in handing over the possession vis-à-vis what is previously agreed with the allottee(s).

Registered Phase Area

Online Phase Area
Has any partial CC/OC been obtained for the project? Yes

Payment Details

Remaining PhaseArea Fees In (INR) ExtensionFees StandaradFees PenaltyFees Status
240732.88  112549.89 ₹ 8,44,130.00 ₹ 2,81,375.00 ₹ 5,62,750.00 ₹ 0.00 Paid

Payment Slip

Print receipt
Extension Payment Slip

Contact Person Details

Contact Person Name MobileNo Email
Sudhir Sharma 9821496924
Comments Details
PARA Created BY Comments Date Status Document
1 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Verify the fee deposited. 11/25/2022 PENDING WITH DA/ ACCOUNTS/ LEGAL OFFICER/ LAW OFFICER
2 Madan Pareek (16059) Rs. 844130/- deposited by Rera Trans. No. 408 dated 24.11.2022 for extension of registration ( other than corona pandemic ). 11/28/2022 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
3 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Clarify why you ahve paid the extension fee on the partial area instead of the complete phase area. Clarify on or before 05.12.2022 11/28/2022 APPLICATION OBJECTED
4 Promoter The Promoter humbly submits to the kind authority that our project admeasuring 240732.88 sq mtr, consist of 4 blocks i.e. Block-1, Block-2, Block-3 and Block-4. Out of which Block-1 and Block-3 admeasuring 128183 sq mtr has been completed and for the same we have uploaded the Partial Completion Certificate under “Post Registration Tab” vide application no. RERA-PRD-2022-922. Further, we want to apply for the extension of the remaining blocks i.e. Block No. 2 and Block no. 4 admeasuring 112549.89 sq mtr. Therefore we have applied for the extension for the remaining block i.e. block no. 1 and 3 and for the same we have paid the statutory fees of Rs 8,44,130/-. Kindly accept our humble submission and oblige us. User updated this details. 11/30/2022 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
5 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Application is submitted for kind perusal and decision regarding extension of registration upto 31-12-2023 w.r.t. the attached checklist. 12/1/2022 PENDING WITH JOINT REGISTRAR
6 Arpit Sancheti (10683) Submitted for kind perusal and further orders regarding extension pls. 12/2/2022 PENDING WITH REGISTRAR
7 Ramesh Sharma (9009) Submitted for perusal and approval, Sir. 12/2/2022 PENDING WITH CHAIRMAN
8 NIHAL CHAND GOEL (1) As the project was registered in 2019, none of the reasons given for delay appear to be relevant. 12/4/2022 APPLICATION OBJECTED
9 Promoter Dear Sir, we have uploaded the revised explanatory note for your kind perusal. Kindly accept our humble submission and oblige us. User updated this details. 12/6/2022 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
10 Rishabh Sharma (10665) In reference to para 8/N, promoter has uploaded the explanatory note in the Other Documents tab. Therefore, application is submitted for kind perusal and further order w.r.t. para 5/N. 12/6/2022 PENDING WITH JOINT REGISTRAR
11 Arpit Sancheti (10683) Promoter has uploaded the revised explanatory note, therefore, submitted for kind perusal and further orders pls. 12/6/2022 PENDING WITH REGISTRAR
12 Ramesh Sharma (9009) Still explanatory not is vague and unsatisfactory,submitted for decision,sir 12/7/2022 PENDING WITH CHAIRMAN
13 NIHAL CHAND GOEL (1) Approved 12/7/2022 Application Approved

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