Particulars of the Registered Project
Application No. : RAJ-RERA-APP-SPM-2024-1028 (5/15/2024)
Name of the Registered Project Vatika Infotech City for Part- A Project Status LAPSED
Registration Number RAJ/P/2019/884 Name of the Promoter VATIKA LIMITED
Name of Other Promoter(s) Magnet Developers private limited,Vatika Jaipur Sez Developers Private limited ,NAKSHATRA BUILDCON PRIVATE LIMITED,Jeevan Lal,SUMAN DEVI Project Address 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 85, 86, 87, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 106,119, 120, 121, 122, 20, 21, 101/1064, 103, 150/1066, 145/1065, 54, 139, 143, 144, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 123, 55,61, 145, 146, 129, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 88, 89, 101, 102, 104, 105, 127, 173, 174/1256, 395,396,586/397,397, 187, 188, 189, 28/2, 532, 542, 543/1, 545, 532/1166, 546, 500/1239, 548/1, 548/2, 543, 501/1286, 540, 541, 538, 544, 548, 549, 1383/534, 533,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19/1 Sanganer Thikaria,Prithvisinghpura,Sanjharia,Bagrukhurd,Balmukundpura Sanganer Jaipur
Project Type Plotted Development Phase Area (in Sq. Mt.) 240732.88
Project registration vaild till (As per RC/ Form F, whichever is latest) 12/31/2024 Project registration certificate (As per RC/ Form F, whichever is latest) View
Project Modification Request
SELECT PARTICULARS Existing Online Details Proposed Modified Details Reason for Modification and in case of documents specify the documents/part which is being replaced/changed Supporting Documents and detailed application(If any)
Water Supply Promoter Wants To Upload Drawings For Water Supply.
Rain Water Harvesting/ Recharging Promoter Wants To Upload Drawings For Rain Water Harvesting.
Sanitation(Storm Water Drainage, Sewerage, STP, Solid Water Disposal etc) Promoter Wants To Upload Drawings For Sanitation(Storm Water Drainage, Sewerage, STP, Solid Water Disposal etc)
Electrification(Transformer, Solar Energy etc) Promoter Wants To Upload Drawings For Electrification(Transformer, Solar Energy etc)
I/ we do hereby solemnly declare and undertake: That the changes/updations proposed by me/us in the Project details are correct and shall not affect/ damage the rights and interests of the allottee(s) of the project. If, however, due to such modification, any damages or losses are suffered by any allottee(s) or any rights and interests of any allottee(s) are adversely affected or any dispute arises, promoter of the project shall be solely responsible and liable to compensate for the same and to resolve the dispute and shall also be liable for all other legal and financial consequences thereof
Payment Details
Payment Amount Payment Date Download Receipt
₹ 5,000.00 5/15/2024 Generate Payment Slip

Contact Person Details

Contact Person Name MobileNo Email
Sudhir Sharma 9928908122
Comments Details
PARA Created BY Comments Date Status Document
1 Veer Bahadur Gurjar (10678) Rs.5000/- Deposited by RERA Trans. No 1716 Dated 15.05.2024 FOR MODIFICATION OF PROJECT DETAILS. 5/16/2024 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
2 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Clarify whether the service drawings of all the parts have been uploaded or not. Also, mark the part in the main layout plan under supporting documents, so that the drawings may verified. Comply with the directions on or before 24.05.2024. 5/16/2024 APPLICATION OBJECTED
3 Promoter Dear Sir, It is most humbly submitted that our project is plotted development project and the drawings uploaded are related to all the parts. Also, along with partial Completion certificate a phase plan is uploaded indicating the scheme area registered with RERA. Adding to it, we have attached main layout plan under supporting documents. Kindly accept our submission and oblige us. 5/17/2024 PENDING WITH NODAL OFFICER
4 Rishabh Sharma (10665) Promoter applied for the updation of all the service drawings of Plotted Development project, which are legible, sealed and signed by the qualified engineer as per the Authority's order dated 05.09.2023. Therefore, the application is submitted for your kind perusal and approval, pls. 5/19/2024 PENDING WITH JOINT REGISTRAR
5 Ramesh Sharma (9009) Record Pulled by REGISTRAR 5/20/2024 PENDING WITH REGISTRAR
6 Ramesh Sharma (9009) Submitted for perusal and approval,madam. 5/20/2024 PENDING WITH CHAIRMAN
7 Chairman Rajasthan (1) approved 5/20/2024 APPLICATION APPROVED

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