Map Revision Details

Application for Map Revision

Project Details
Map Revision Application No. : RAJ-RERA-APP-MR-2022-182
Project Registration No. RAJ/P/2022/2027 Project Type Plotted Development
Estimated Finish Date (in online form) 31/12/2024 Project Registration Valid till
(as per RC/ Form-F whichever is latest)
31/12/2024 View
Approval date of Existing Building Plan 21/06/2022 Approval date of Revised Building Plan 27/09/2022 View
Building Plan approving authority JAIPUR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
Remarks (if any) In the revised layout as issued by JDA, wherein 3 plots have been added i.e. Plot No. 340, 341, 342 and area of 2 plots have been increase for plot No. 122, 123, there is no booking and no advance payment has been taken for plot no. 122, 123, 340, 341, 342. Also, There is no changes in existing layout common area, facility, green area are etc. in the said project therefore consent is not required in our case.
Area Details
Total Area of Project (in sq. meters)
Phase Area (in sq. meters)
open Area (in sq. meters)
Number of Apartments/ Plots
Proposed but Not Sanctioned
Number of Apartments/ Plots
Sanctioned Number of Apartments/ Plots
Total built up area/ saleable area (in sq. meters)
Land cost as per rule 5(1)
Development cost as per rule 5(2)
Parking Details Link of online form As per TABLE A
Plot Details Link of online form As per TABLE B
Parking Details (Table-A)
Type Total No. of Cars Total No. of Two Wheelers No. of Cycles Mechanical Car Parking No. of Visitors Parking No. of Parking Allocated
Location Car Two Wheelers Car Two Wheelers
No Records Added
Plot Details (Table-B)
Plot Area (In Sq.Meters) Plot number/ Plot type by Area Proposed Number of Plots Number of Plots
Booked/ Sold/ Allotted
Application for Revision/ Updation of Maps
Is the proposed revision having any minor addition's or alteration's as under proviso to clause (i) of sub-section (2) of section 14 of the RERA Act?
Is the proposed revision having any addition's or alteration's as under clause (i) of sub-section (2) of section 14 of the RERA Act affecting any of the allotted apartments?
Is the proposed revision having any addition's or alteration's as under clause (ii) of sub-section (2) of section 14 of the RERA Act affecting any building or common areas/ amenities of the project?
If consent required has not been obtained and submitted, explain the reason why Authority should not insist thereon? In the revised layout as issued by JDA, wherein 3 plots have been added i.e. Plot No. 340, 341, 342 and area of 2 plots have been increase for plot No. 122, 123, there is no booking and no advance payment has been taken for plot no. 122, 123, 340, 341, 342. Also, There is no changes in existing layout common area, facility, green area are etc. in the said project therefore consent is not required in our case.
Area/ Fee Details
Existing Project Phase Area ( 100000.00
Increased Project Phase Area ( 0
Total Fee to be paid (Rs.) 25000.00
Fee for map revision (Rs.) 0.00
Standard Fee (Rs.) 0.00
Fee on Increased Phase area (Rs.) 0.00
Fee for change if any, of Land Cost and/ or Development Cost (Rs.) 0.00
Payment Details
Payment Amount Payment Date Download Receipt
25000 9/27/2022 Generate Payment Slip
Nodal Officer: Rishabh Sharma, Contact: 0141-2851900, E-Mail:

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